Learning Center Brussels

In the learning center in the T'Serclaes building, you can study among the shelves of books on six floors (levels 3 to 8) during library opening hours. There are some desktop computers, but you can borrow an extension cable at the desk, so you can sit anywhere with your own laptop. On floors -0.5, M, 1 and 2 there are collaborative learning spaces, with slightly wider opening hours than the library.

In the library you will find - in addition to a general collection - the collections relevant for the programs Business Management, Teacher Education, Social Work, Health Care, etc. Click the link below for the collection overview by floor.

Check out the collection by floor!

grijze ingang met struiken op de voorgrond

Want your spot guaranteed? Reserve your study space!

Collab space with seating and screens

Opening hours

Due to construction work on the 8th floor, workstations will not be available on Wednesday 19/03 and Thursday 20/03. You can still consult the collection.

Monday8:30 am-6 pm 
Tuesday8:30 am-6 pm 
Wednesday8:30 am-6 pm 
Thursday8:30 am-6 pm 
Friday8:30 am-6 pm 

From Monday through Thursday, you can study until 8 pm on the 8th floor of the library and in the collaborative learning spaces at -0.5, 0 (Mezzanine), 1 and 2.

Different opening hours may apply during exam periods and vacations.

Closing days academic year 2023-2024:
Wednesday, November 1 - All Saints Day
Monday, December 25 through Friday, January 6 - Christmas break
Monday, April 1 - Easter Monday
Monday, April 8 through Friday, April 12 - Easter break
Wednesday, May 1 - Labour Day
Thursday, May 9 - Ascension
Friday, May 10 - bridging day
Monday, May 20 - Whit Monday
Thursday, July 11 through Thursday, August 15 - summer vacation

Contact details

Warmoesberg 26

1000 Brussels

T'Serclaes Building - Block C

T: 02 210 13 36

E: bib-bru@odisee.be

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