Open access e-resources
On this page you will find links to current scientific information that is freely accessible. You can access these e-resources without having to log in, and on any network.

Publishing platforms/research repositories
AREI : Algemeen Reglement op Elektrische Installaties
BBT database: Best Beschikbare Technieken
BCFI : Belgisch Centrum voor Farmacotherapeutische Informatie with the online Gecommentarieerd Geneesmiddelenrepertorium
BIMportal :awareness and information portal around BIM
ChemSpider : database of over 67 million chemical structures from hundreds of databases
EBPracticenet: reference platform for Evidence Based Practice for all Belgian healthcare providers
Elsevier Science Direct Open Access : publisher Elsevier's platform with open collection
Emerald : platform from Emerald Publishing (recently launched and thus still a fairly limited offering)
European Bioinformatics Institute: the most comprehensive database of free and up-to-date molecular data
GGZ Standaarden: Dutch knowledge base with all care standards
Hindawi : peer-reviewed journals around various fields within sciences, technology, medicine and social sciences
INTECHopen : science, technology and medicine
KCE : Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg
Merck Manual Professional Version : symptoms, diagnoses and treatments within different branches of medicine
PLoS Collections (Public Library of Science): including medicine, genetics, pathogens
PubMed Central (PMC): full-text archive on bio and biomedical science
RePEc (EconPapers and IDEAS): research papers on economics
TropMed: Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
VLIZ (Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee): platform for marine research
VSR: knowledge bank of the Nederlandse Vereniging Schoonmaak Research
Open Access Books Intech : over 3350 peer-reviewed books within all science domains
Free journals (browsable online)
Buildwise Magazine: information on construction by field (available in Dutch, French and German)
FMJ-IFMA: official journal of the International Facility Management Association
- : efficiency for buildings, workplaces, homes and mobility management (website in Dutch and French)
Technical catalogs
Video channels
VMT: channel of the magazine VMT Voedingsmiddelentechnologie
Elector TV: channel of Elektor Magazine